
Workers’ desks became smaller and job security did not return!

How did the workers spend the year 1402? In response to this question, Nasser Chamani, a labor activist, said: In 1402, no problem was removed from the shoulders of the workers, and more problems were put on their shoulders. Workers are struggling with issues such as lack of job security and lack of safety in the workplace. These problems have existed for years and workers have always worked in such conditions. Our death rate in labor accidents is much higher than neighboring countries, and the safety situation of our workshops is not comparable with advanced countries. Therefore, workers are deprived of both life security and job security.

Unfortunately, in the 13th government, the biggest problem of the workers was the concern of living and making ends meet. Of course, this problem existed a long time ago, but in this government this problem became more than before. The cost of living went up, inflation increased, and workers’ wages did not even increase in line with inflation.

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