
Horrifying statistics of patients dying in the organ transplant queue in Iran

Each brain dead person can save the lives of 8 patients in need of a new organ. While many families are not satisfied with donating the organs of their brain-dead loved ones, and the most important reason is that they do not want to believe that their loved one has died and they still hope for their return to life.

They are ready to bury him, but they don’t allow his organs to be transplanted to other patients so that their loved one can at least continue to live in this world.

25,000 people in Iran are on the organ transplant waiting list, of which 7 to 10 people die every day due to the lack of a suitable organ for transplant. That is, every two hours. Almost one person.

This is despite the fact that 5-8 thousand people die every year in Iran due to causes leading to brain death, of which about 3 thousand people are able to donate organs. But because the families of these people (brain-dead people) do not consent to organ donation, all their organs are safely buried and destroyed.

Each brain dead person can save the lives of 8 patients in need of a new organ. While many families are not satisfied with donating the organs of their brain-dead loved ones, and the most important reason is that they do not want to believe that their loved one has died and they still hope for their return to life. They are ready to bury him, but they don’t allow his organs to be transplanted to other patients so that their loved one can at least continue to live in this world.

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