
The US Treasury is lying/the medicine for the Iranian is sanctioned

“America has been insidiously removing medical equipment from the sanctions on the website of the US Treasury for many years, but in practice, by sanctioning the main banks of the country, providing medicine to the Iranian is an embargo.” Ahmad Qavidel Former CEO of Iran Hemophilia Center said.

The last action of the US and its allies after the Niko Bank embargo was the Verne Gold Bank embargo.

It was one of the last ways of providing currency for the medicines needed by Iranians.

For example, three types of imported medicines for hemophilia patients, including von Willebrand factor, fibronogen and factor 13, have been scarce since two weeks ago.

since last week, von Willebrand factor medicine has not been available to Iranian patients.

Because women and girls have menstruation by nature , the lack of this drug actually makes them suffer from heavy bleeding and they are in serious danger.

The public opinion of the world should be informed that Iranian have been targeted by the inhumane sanctions of the United States.

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